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23 May 2024

FREE Careers resources from BCS & Tech She Can - Primary & Secondary TC meeting

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Written by

Becci Peters

Key Summary Points:

  • Engaging young learners in computer science requires creativity and adaptability.
  • The importance of foundational skills in programming and computational thinking cannot be overstated.
  • Integrating real-world applications into lessons enhances student engagement and understanding.
  • Collaborative projects and peer learning foster a supportive learning environment.
  • Continuous professional development is crucial for staying updated with the latest educational tools and techniques.

Reflecting on the recent talk with Becky Patel, I found myself deeply inspired by the rich discussion on the evolving landscape of computer science education for young learners. Becky, a dynamic educator and advocate for innovative teaching strategies, shared valuable insights that resonated with my own experiences and aspirations as a computer science teacher. Our conversation underscored the need for creativity, adaptability, and a keen understanding of foundational skills to truly engage students aged 5-14 in the wonders of computer science.

One of the central themes of our discussion was the importance of fostering creativity in the classroom. Becky emphasised how traditional teaching methods often fall short in capturing the imagination of young learners. She advocated for an approach that integrates playful exploration with structured learning. For instance, using story-based coding exercises where students create their own digital narratives can make the learning process both fun and educational. This resonated with my own practice, where I've seen firsthand how gamified learning can spark interest and motivation among students.

Another crucial point we explored was the significance of building strong foundational skills in programming and computational thinking. Becky highlighted that while advanced topics like artificial intelligence and machine learning are exciting, it’s the basics—such as understanding algorithms, loops, and conditionals—that form the bedrock of a student's future success in computer science. This foundation not only prepares them for more complex concepts but also enhances their problem-solving skills across various disciplines.

We also delved into the benefits of connecting classroom activities with real-world applications. Becky shared examples of projects where students designed simple apps to solve everyday problems or used data analysis to track and improve their own learning habits. Such practical applications help students see the relevance of their studies, making the subject matter more engaging and meaningful.

Collaborative learning emerged as another key aspect of effective computer science education. Becky and I discussed the advantages of project-based learning where students work in teams to tackle challenges. This approach not only mirrors real-world tech environments but also teaches valuable soft skills like teamwork, communication, and resilience. Encouraging peer learning and mentoring within the classroom can create a supportive community where students learn from each other’s strengths and perspectives.

Lastly, the importance of continuous professional development for teachers was a point we both passionately agreed on. The field of computer science is ever-evolving, with new tools, languages, and methodologies emerging regularly. Becky underscored the necessity for teachers to stay updated through workshops, online courses, and collaborative networks. This ongoing learning enables educators to bring fresh, relevant content to their students, keeping the curriculum dynamic and engaging.


Our talk highlighted several pivotal strategies for enhancing computer science education for young learners. By fostering creativity, emphasising foundational skills, connecting lessons to real-world applications, promoting collaborative projects, and committing to continuous professional development, we can create a more engaging and effective learning environment. As educators, it’s our responsibility to adapt and innovate, ensuring that our students are not only consumers of technology but also creators and thinkers ready to navigate and shape the future.

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Tech She Can Careers Resources

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