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02 March 2023

Fancy a game of Foobot ?

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Computing at School

A great resource written and created by Computing Teacher Kieren Holt

What is foobot? 

Foobot is a mix between a puzzle game and a coding challenge. Players control foobot by typing commands in javascript or python. The aim is to help foobot pick up fruit and put it in the correct boxes. Sometimes the number of commands you can enter is limited.

Who is it for? 

It is aimed at anyone learning python or javascript but particularly students who have some experience with block coding (makecode, scratch) and are finding the transition to written coding languages difficult. In most schools, this happens around Year 8 to 10.

Why do students like it? 

  1. There is no right answer. Students can solve the puzzles in any way they like. They get to be creative.
  2. It gives immediate, visual feedback. By watching foobot perform the actions in sequence students can see exactly where they went wrong alongside their code (debugging to you and me!) 
  3. The puzzles are simple to understand, yet complex to solve. Contrary to popular belief, most students enjoy a challenge!

How can it work in schools? 

It is perfect for cover lessons and homework! There is no preparation required. It covers all levels of ability, from beginner to advanced. Progress through each level is recorded on the main page. Students can send their teachers a screenshot as proof of their work.

What happens next? 

This is just the beginning! Foobot's developers are looking for a small team of testers and developers to create more levels and new exciting features. If you would like to be a part of it please get in touch!