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Welcome to the Computing At School York Secondary Community. We aim to meet online or face to face to share ideas and resources to support each other with secondary computing. If you've got an idea for something you'd like to share or a request for something you'd find helpful please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you.

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Community: CAS York Secondary

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Pete Dring
01/11/2023 12:32

Happy half term everyone: well done for surviving a really long 8 weeks! I find it a challenge to find local courses on the national NCCE site so here’s a list of the upcoming secondary courses in the York area over the next few months. I’m only leading one of them so you’re safe to assume the others will be in much better hands!

The links below are much more readable on the forum here: Community: CAS York Secondary - #15 by pddring
All the best,

Teaching GCSE CS pedagogy for programming: 17th Nov at Fulford School: Teaching GCSE computer science pedagogy for programming - face to face - Teach Computing

Foundation knowledge of CS for KS3 and GCSE: 5th December at All Saints:

Algorithms and programming for OCR GCSE: 6th-7th December at STEM Learning: Algorithms and programming for OCR GCSE specification - residential - Teach Computing

KS4 computing for all: 11th December at All Saints: KS4 computing for all - face to face - Teach Computing

An introduction to computer systems, networking and security in GCSE CS: 12th December at All Saints: An introduction to computer systems, networking and security in GCSE computer science - face to face - Teach Computing

Algorithms and programming for AQA GCSE: 12-13th December at STEM Learning: Algorithms and programming for AQA GCSE specification - residential - Teach Computing

Teaching GCSE CS developing knowledge and understanding: 29th Jan at All Saints: Teaching GCSE computer science developing knowledge and understanding - face to face - Teach Computing

Teaching GCSE CS: 30th-31st Jan at STEM Learning: Teaching GCSE computer science - residential - Teach Computing

Python programming: sequence, selection and iteration: 6th Feb at All Saints: Python programming constructs: sequencing, selection and iteration - face to face - Teach Computing

Simon Humphreys
31/01/2023 14:28

Thanks Pete … a really good presentation. I’ll leave it with Stuart re timings to make available publicly but it would be an ideal resource for other CLs to use as part of their meetings, there’s the potential too for creating an accompanying document for teachers to take away etc …

Sarah Edmundson (Zaman)
31/01/2023 14:24

Glad it went well Pete.
I will advertise this one too for you.

31/01/2023 14:06

Pete , we are using the same ploy… releasing a recording two weeks later , and not saying its being recorded until the meeting starts. Let me know when you have some stuff to upload it would be great to understand how we can bets leverage this sort of resource and you help would be welcome

Pete Dring
31/01/2023 13:51

Thanks Simon. Catherine kindly agreed to let us record the session for anyone who booked on but couldn’t make it, however we said we wouldn’t share the link publicly in order to encourage people to book on to both Catherine’s excellent NCCE course and future CAS Yorkshire online events. I’ll send you the link :slight_smile: I hope that’s OK.

Simon Humphreys
29/01/2023 22:32

Thanks Pete, and Catherine. Are there any resources etc from the meeting, I wasn’t able to get there due to familt commitments at the time and I’d love to hear Catherine’s presentation if it is available?

Pete Dring
28/01/2023 12:38

Huge thank you to Catherine Elliott who led an excellent CAS Yorkshire Online event on Thursday about effective support for autistic students in Computing.

The next CAS Yorkshire online event is on Thu 16th March at 8pm on Creative KS3 Computing: CAS Yorkshire Online: Creative KS3 Computing

Looking forward to seeing you there if you can make it

Pete Dring
20/11/2022 12:33

I hope you’re well. The next CAS York online event will be on 1st December at 8pm hosted by Chris Sharples all about effective revision methods.
For more info and to register a free place, please go to CAS Yorkshire Online: Good Learning/Revision Methods

Pete Dring
30/09/2022 08:44

Thanks to everyone who came along to last night’s community event and thank you to Paul for preparing and sharing the comparison of grade distribution, grade boundaries and accessibility of AQA, Edexcel and OCR GCSE Computer Science.

Here’s a recording of Paul’s slot: CAS Yorkshire Online: GCSE debrief - comparing exam boards - YouTube

If you couldn’t make it but you would like to suggest a topic for future events or nominate someone for a CAS Yorkshire Award then please head to

The next meeting is on Thu 01/12/2022 8pm

All the best

Pete Dring
17/06/2022 12:23


I hope you’re well. Well done for getting Y11s through their CS GCSEs. This year is the first time through the new specifications so I’d be really keen to find out how things have gone (for both GCSE and A Level).

We’re running a free Debrief the exam series event from 4-5:15pm on Monday 20th with breakout rooms for AQA, OCR and Edexcel and a chance to hear from schools using different exam boards. I know a few people are considering a possible swap so it could be a really interesting chance to catch up.

Here’s the link: Debrief the exam series - Short Course | STEM

Pete Dring
28/01/2022 16:22

Well done for making it through to the weekend.
Sorry it’s taken me a while to get the hang of setting things up on the new CAS website.

Would anyone else find it helpful to chat through the advance information that the DfE have said will be published by 7th Feb and how it relates to Computing? I’ve set up an event on 8th Feb 4pm-4:45 to get our heads around what has (hopefully!) been published and how it affects teachers and students in terms of revision, preparation and assessment.

If there’s time, it’d also be really helpful to talk through the different vocational options for KS4 that could sit alongside GCSE CS.

Here’s the link to the meeting on 8th Feb. Computing exams, qualifications and support

Have a really good weekend,

Pete Dring
22/12/2021 09:49

Hi Jon,

Thank you - no, not just you. I think the link must have been from a pre-live development site which is no longer accessible. I’m not sure who runs the @system account - but if it’s possible for someone to change that post, I think the right link should be CAS York Secondary.

I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts on how we can get more people involved in CAS Community events and make them a useful and supportive place to be.

Jon Witts
22/12/2021 09:15

Is it just me that’s getting a 403 error on the CAS York Secondary link?

Pete Dring
20/12/2021 17:55

Welcome to the CAS York Secondary community on the new CAS website.

I want to say a huge thank you and congratulations to Dan Tait who has taken on a new role at All Saints and has stepped back from leading this CAS community. Dan has done a stunning job organising TechMeets and supporting colleagues and now has an exciting role in the 6th form leadership team. Thank you Dan.

I don’t have access to the email address correctly listed for this community-if you want to get in touch with ideas, questions or suggestions, please use this forum or email me via

If you would like to be involved on leading or organising York CAS community events either online or in person I’d particularly love to hear from you. We have a strong tradition of working together to support each other across school and MAT boundaries in the York area and I’d really like that to grow and continue.

Well done for finishing what is often a gruelling and exhausting term. I hope that you can rest and relax over the Christmas break

All the best,


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