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Secondary Specific (ages 11-18 approx.)

The below online resources are aimed at Secondary school children, aged between approximately 11-18.

Some of these resources are separated by Key Stage to help you find the right level for your children. However, please feel free to explore all the different activities available.

Resource Description
Thunkable Make your own app using a drag and drop interface
X-Ray Goggles Remix any website to include your own content
BBC Computing News Articles related to the teaching of computing from the BBC News website
iDEA Badges and awards to demonstrate digital, enterprise and employability skills
Oracle Academy Self study courses, free software licenses and bootcamps
Girls Who Code - At Home New computing activities released weekly, with a focus on women in tech
CS4FN Explore how computer science is about people, creativity and even magic!
Snakify Learn Python and web design with over 200 exercises
CodeAcademy Learn a vast range of programming languages online, including Python
micro:bit Python guide How the micro:bit works with Python, one of the world's most popular programming languages

Key Stage 3 specific (ages 11-14 approx.)

Resource Description
Code Combat Game environment to learn text based programming
BBC Bitesize - KS3 Computer Science Age specific learning materials from the BBC
Code Club Stet by step instructions to create coding projects
Raspberry Pi - Digital Making at Home Create and code projects at home with a new project each week
MakeCode - Online Learning Projects for micro:bit, Minecraft, MakeCode Arcade and more
Scratch - Parents’ Guide Guidance for parents on helping children develop programs using blocks of code
Blockly Games Series of games to prepare students for programming with a text based language

Key Stage 4 specific (ages 14-16 approx.)

Resource Description
BBC Bitesize - GCSE Computer Science Age specific learning materials from the BBC
Arm School Program A YouTube playlist covering the programming concepts for GCSE Computer Science

Key Stage 5 specific (ages 16-18 approx.)

Resource Description
Isaac Computer Science Free online study platform for A-Level Computer Science
CodingBat Coding practice in Java and Python