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A creative learning path to the ethics of online safety

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Last edit: 20 May 2022

Resource Type Worksheets and Activities, Lesson Plans, Teaching Resources, Example Programs and Live Lessons, References, Guidebooks and Handbooks
English Key Stage 7-11 year (KS2), 11-14 year (KS3)
Curriculum Topic Creating Media, Data & Information, Effective use of tools, Ethics, Impact of technology, Safety & Security

‘Maddie is Online’: a creative learning path to ethics of online safety and security for young people

Maddie is Online: ‘Ethics of online safety and security’ ‘Maddie is Online’: a creative learning path to ethics of online safety and security for young people | Projects | RGU  is funded by the Scottish Government and supported by Digital Xtra Fund.

The project is led by Dr Konstantina Martzoukou, Teaching Excellence Fellow at the School of Creative and Cultural Business, Robert Gordon University. The project addresses the difficult dilemmas and the ethical questions that can be raised when interacting online, teaching young people, via active participation and creativity, the ethics of online safety and security. The project uses storytelling, digital animation technology and character voice-overs to increase young people’s engagement and participation around challenging phenomena that deal with online connectivity. The work also involves a school competition for creative student teams (third level - S1 and S2) from schools across Scotland to share a short story of around 500 words on the theme on the theme of ethics of online safety and security via this link. More information can be found on ‘Maddie is Online’ blog.

Edit history

Konstantina Martzoukou | 20.05.22


Konstantina Martzoukou | 20.05.22


Konstantina Martzoukou | 20.05.22

Initial creation
