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Teachers and Trainees Computing Subject Knowledge Audit

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Last edit: 14 July 2022

Resource Type Planning Assessments and Guidance
English Key Stage 5-7 year (KS1), 7-11 year (KS2)
Curriculum Topic Algorithmic Thinking, Computational Thinking, Computer Networks, Computer Systems, Creating Media, Data & Information, Effective use of tools, Ethics, Impact of technology, Physical Computing, Programming

This is a subject knowledge audit aimed at teachers and trainee teachers who are teaching Primary Computing. The aim of the audit is to help give an overview of where a teacher may be in their subject knowledge and subsequently identify areas to work on.

I hope that it is useful. 

Edit history

Ed Carr | 14.07.22

Image edit

Ed Carr | 14.07.22

Image edit

Ed Carr | 14.07.22

Additional PDF Version and support image uploaded

Ed Carr | 11.07.22

Initial creation
