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Scratch Coding Projects

Downloaded: 604

Last edit: 05 September 2023

Resource Type Teaching Resources, Example Programs and Live Lessons
Curriculum Topic Computational Thinking, Programming
English Key Stage 5-7 year (KS1)

A growing selection of A4 double-sided Scratch coding projects to support the process of learning how to code using Scratch.

The projects are listed in order of the progression of Scratch skills.


Scratch Projects:

Code an interactive jungle scene (Introducing Say and Sound Blocks)

Code and draw a route through a space maze. (Introducing Pen drawing tools)

Code and draw 2D polygon shapes using repeat loops (Introducing Repeat)

Code a space-themed screen saver. (Introducing Forever blocks)

Code an underwater chase game. (Introducing If statements)


PRIMM Projects:

Design a new ringtone for a mobile phone:

(It might be helpful to design the ring tone using this:

Edit history

Ed Carr | 05.09.23

Word Jungle Guide Added

Ed Carr | 21.07.22

PRIMM project added

Ed Carr | 15.07.22

Code 2D shapes with repeat added

Ed Carr | 14.07.22

Links to Scratch projects added

Ed Carr | 14.07.22

Scratch project URL added

Ed Carr | 14.07.22

Code a route through a maze guide added

Ed Carr | 14.07.22

Additional downloadable resources have been added.

Ed Carr | 13.07.22

Initial creation
